Tag Archives: Joseph Goldstein

January 23 – Nurture what is good

Dear Friends, As we continue reflecting on the Four Wise Efforts, we arrive at the fourth: sustaining and strengthening wholesome states that have already arisen. Joseph Goldstein refers to this as nurturing the “beautiful mental factors” and reminds us how often we overlook these qualities, and end up focusing instead on our shortcomings. In the book Mindfulness, Joseph… Read More »

January 20 – Courageous energy: meeting the challenges of our time

Dear Friends, Joseph Goldstein describes energy (viriya) as the power to act–it encompasses strength, perseverance, and the courage to meet challenges with determination and skillfulness. This courageous energy sustains our practice, helping us abandon the unwholesome and nurture the skillful, both within ourselves and in the world. Joseph highlights that viriya is not about avoiding difficulties but engaging… Read More »

January 16 – From Seed to Awakening: Cultivating the Mind’s Best Qualities

Dear Friends, As we continue exploring the wise efforts, we now turn to the third: cultivating wholesome states. Joseph Goldstein describes this as “arousing wholesome states that have not yet arisen.” He points us toward the seven factors of awakening as key examples of these states. In his book Mindfulness, Joseph quotes Bhikkhu Bodhi, who writes: The seven… Read More »

January 15 – The Art of Patience and Perseverance

Dear Friends, As we discussed earlier, Joseph Goldstein teaches that effort itself generates energy and that the key to skillful effort lies in balance, learning when to engage with curiosity and when to relax with spaciousness. This nuanced approach transforms our practice into an exploration of energy and ease, guiding us toward greater clarity and insight. Going through… Read More »

January 13 – The Dynamic Cycle of Effort and Energy in Practice

Dear Friends, In his talk on energy as a factor of awakening, Joseph Goldstein offers some insight into the interplay of effort and energy in our practice.Satipatthana Sutta – part 29 – Factors Of Awakening: Energy (the section from about 33:00 through 40:00)https://www.dharmaseed.org/talks/1967/ Joseph highlights something we may have noticed: effort itself can generate energy. He notes, “Usually… Read More »

January 9 – Taming the Mind: Strategies for Letting Go of What Doesn’t Serve

Dear Friends, Our next topic focuses on the second wise effort: abandoning unwholesome states that have arisen. Joseph Goldstein offers this: “Mindfulness of [the unwholesome states] is always the first strategy; if we’re not even aware that they are present, there’s not much possibility of abandoning them. Sometimes mindfulness itself is enough.” (Mindfulness, page 393) However, some unwholesome… Read More »

January 6 – Balancing effort

Dear Friends, Joseph Goldstein poses some questions about viriya: “What is effort? When is it balanced? When is it counterproductive?” (Mindfulness, page 242) He highlights how effort can sometimes be unskillful, such as when there’s a forcing of the mind, what he calls an “in-order-to” mindset. Joseph shares a story of his own experience with this, recounting how… Read More »

January 3 – Is this action worth contributing my energy towards?

Dear Friends, Joseph Goldstein suggests reflecting on the preciousness of this human birth as a way to support the first effort of preventing unwholesome states from arising. He reminds us:“It’s precious because now we have the opportunity to weaken and eventually uproot these latent defilements that have been with us throughout our lives.” (page 392) Ajahn Sucitto offers… Read More »

December 31 – Welcome!

Dear Friends, Thank you for choosing to be part of this January email offering. This marks the tenth year of this tradition, and I am continually inspired by the teachings and by the knowledge that you are here with me on this shared journey. This month, we will be exploring the factor of energy, or effort, as one… Read More »

January 23 – Ardent, clearly comprehending, and mindful

Dear Friends, The seventh factor is right (or wise) mindfulness. Mindfulness is a buzzword nowadays. If you use your favorite internet search engine for “mindful ___”, where you fill the blank with practically any subject, you’ll probably find an array of articles related to it. But what is right mindfulness? In one of the discourses, Sariputta describes it… Read More »

January 13 – Simple act of recognition

Dear Friends, In the second short talk on the faculty of sati, mindfulness, Gil brings in an element to help with the establishment of mindfulness – “the mind’s capacity to comprehend what is happening, to know what is happening. … This is the ability to clearly recognize what something is.”https://www.audiodharma.org/talks/11117 The simple recognition that Gil discusses is not… Read More »