Tag Archives: Jeanne Corrigal

January 17 – metta for body

Dear Friends, This past week, I’ve been focusing on mindfulness of the body, so I thought for this “Heart Sunday”, I would look for a meditation that combined metta and the body. There are quite a few choices! I ultimately chose this guided meditation from Catherine McGee, called “Guided Metta Practice – easy person, self and body” (~45… Read More »

January 14 – lie down

Dear Friends, In the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha mentions several postures for practice: “Again, bhikkhus, when walking, a bhikkhu understands: ‘I am walking’; when standing, he understands: ‘I am standing’; when sitting, he understands: ‘I am sitting’; when lying down, he understands: ‘I am lying down’; or he understands accordingly however his body is disposed. Thinking about lying… Read More »

January 8 – “thank me”

Dear Friends, Here’s a quick exercise from my set of “Cards for Mindfulness“. It’s called “Thank Me”. We really can give ourselves a hard time sometimes. Self-criticism and feelings of unworthiness are so common that it is really important to balance that out by remembering that fundamentally we are actually on our side. A good way to do… Read More »

January 6 – nourish yourself

Dear Friends, One of Sharon Salzberg’s “stealth” meditations is Eat a meal mindfully, noticing the colors, the flavors, the texture of what you are eating. The first time I tried mindful eating was the “raisin meditation” in Jeanne’s MBSR class. Here are some instructions for that simple exercise (text; exercise takes ~5 minutes): http://hfhc.ext.wvu.edu/r/download/114469 Every time I try… Read More »