Tag Archives: Chade-Meng Tan

January 18 – Taking aim with the ray gun of kindness

Dear Friends, Kindness! That’s a good thing to reflect on in the middle of the week of the middle of the month! There are traditional meditation practices one can do to incline the mind towards kindness, sometimes called lovingkindness or metta. The Mindful magazine posted a brief discussion of the steps in the practice here: https://www.mindful.org/the-mindful-practice-podcast-loving-kindness-with-sharon-salzberg/ Outside of a formal practice,… Read More »

January 13 – Sustainable joy

Dear Friends, Yesterday, we reviewed a common occurrence when trying to bring mindfulness to daily activities – we start off with good effort and results, but then the novelty wears off, and we stop being so mindful. I related this to two short-lived types of joy that Chade-Meng Tan discusses in Joy on Demand: the joy of novelty and the joy of… Read More »