January 8 – Generosity

By | January 8, 2019

Dear Friends,

Generosity is a favorite topic of mine. In studying and practicing generosity, I’ve learned much about qualities of the heart.

Generosity is so much more than just a monetary exchange or giving a gift. There are many ways to give that we may already be doing – through our presence, and the way we are in the world. Generosity is a demonstration of the power of human connection.

Sylvia Boorstein writes,

Generous acts are a relief because they connect. They are always in relationship. They can’t be isolating. And generous acts don’t require some thing to give away. … including—in addition to material possessions—companionship, comfort, encouragement, and care.

Pay Attention, For Goodness’ Sake, page 50

Christina Feldman describes that generosity is a quality of kindness that is encompassed in mettā. Generosity can be an antidote to fear – fear of loss and deprivation, and to greed. (page 33) She continues:

With metta we come to understand that fear and greed are experiences of profound suffering, not to be condemned or judged but to be befriended and understood. They are deeply embedded emotional habit patterns; they can be dissolved with generosity.

page 34

As we extend our wishes for well-being beyond ourselves, it is common to start with someone easy. Someone who inspired us, supported us, cared for us, if only for a moment. Someone who embodied generosity. Recalling this being and their generosity, our hearts can remember goodness – our own and in everyone. We can remember connection.

Sharon Salzberg had a post on her Facebook page a while ago that captures this understanding of interconnection that we cultivate with this practice

Lovingkindness is the profound recognition that our lives have something to do with one another, that everyone counts, everyone matters. ~ Sharon Salzberg
Facebook, November 5, 2017

Here’s a 20-ish minute meditation including mettā for a benefactor and to self from Andrea Fella:

Practice generosity, practice mettā!

Warm wishes,