Dear Friends,
In a talk by Gil Fronsdal, he summarizes the four wise efforts as:
If you’re not making it worse, don’t.
Talk: First Right Effort and Metta
If you are making it worse, stop.
If you’re not making it better, make it better.
If you are making it better, keep doing it.
The first wise effort involves preventing unwholesome or unskillful mental states from arising. This requires cultivating healthy desires and clear intentions that align with the well-being of the heart and mind.
Metta, translated as loving kindness, goodwill, friendliness, is a skillful way to foster this effort.
Gil shares, “there’s something about this kindness, friendliness, goodwill that has very powerful protective force and in terms of the working of our inner heart kindness is a protective force from the unskillful states to get the upper hand or even to arise.”
On this heart-practice Sunday, I invite you to explore kindness meditation in a way that resonates with you–whether through repeating phrases, radiating kindness outward, or simply abiding in a felt sense of goodwill. For this latter approach, Ying Chen offers a gentle guided meditation:
Happy Hour Guided Meditation Field of Metta 34:55
(Note that about half-way through, there is a sound of a siren for about a minute.)
As you engage with these practices, consider reflecting on how kindness and wise effort can shape your inner and outer worlds. I invite you to share in the comments or send me an email.
With heartfelt good wishes,