January 31 – With gratitude and blessings

By | January 31, 2025

Dear Friends,

As we bring this shared journey to a close, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who have made this offering possible. If you have appreciated this month of offerings, feel free to support these teachers and resources.

  • Joseph Goldstein, whose book Mindfulness and the related talks were a foundation for this month.
  • Jeanne Corrigal, guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, who provided guidance, advice, and encouragement when I needed direction.
  • Audio Dharma, which has recordings of talks by Gil Fronsdal, Andrea Fella, and other teachers at IMC and Insight Retreat Center (IRC).
  • Dharma Seed, which has recorded talks and meditations from teachers at IMS and many other centers.
  • My dog Pixie, who is a great teacher, support, and patient friend. She was adopted from New Hope Dog Rescue and benefited from their “Guardians of Hope” program.

To each of you who joined me in this month-long exploration of energy, intention, and mindfulness: thank you for your willingness to reflect, practice, and grow together. Your presence, whether expressed through shared insights, questions, or simply the quiet resonance of your participation, has been a gift.

Some folks have inquired about ways to offer a donation to me. If this is something that would make your heart happy and support your practice, you can send an e-transfer to andrea@grzesina.net or use PayPal. If you prefer to use a cheque or a credit card, send me an email, and I can forward those details to you. Please know that your generosity, in any form, is a meaningful part of this shared practice of giving and receiving.

While many people have contributed towards this month’s emails, any errors are strictly my own. For whatever harm I may have done, in thought, word, or deed, by way of greed, hatred and delusion, intentionally or unintentionally, I humbly ask your forgiveness.

I also welcome your feedback and suggestions to help me plan for future offerings.

As we part, I leave you with these words from John O’Donohue’s Beannacht / Blessing. May they serve as a reminder of the love and wisdom that surrounds and supports us on our journey:

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

May your practice continue to bring you strength, clarity, and peace. May the goodness we have cultivated this month be for the benefit of all beings.

I would love to stay connected, so please feel free to reach out to share your reflections as you move forward.

With good wishes and deep gratitude,