Dear Friends,
Thank you for being part of this month-long exploration of the five faculties. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to dive deep into the topic, and I hope you found it interesting as well.
Special thanks to the teachers and poets who generously post recordings (and sometimes transcripts) of their teachings online for us to follow along at our own pace.
I wish to extend my gratitude in particular to the following. If you have appreciated this month of offerings, I encourage you to support these teachers and resources.
- Gil Fronsdal with the Insight Meditation Center (IMC). - Audio Dharma, which has recordings of talks by Gil and other teachers at IMC and Insight Retreat Center (IRC). - Dharma Seed, which has recorded talks and meditations from teachers at many other centers. - Jeanne Corrigal, guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, who provided guidance, advice, and encouragement when I needed direction. - My dog Pixie, who is a great teacher, support, and patient friend. She was adopted from New Hope Dog Rescue and benefited from their “Guardians of Hope” program.
While many people have contributed towards this month’s posts, any errors are strictly my own.
If you’re wondering what to do now, there are many online and in-person groups and resources to keep your practice going! Here are just a few:
- If you’re in Saskatoon and area, I’ll be teaching a six-week introduction to mindfulness, Thursday evenings, Feb 13-Mar 23, 7-9 PM - Jeanne and the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community meets weekly, in-person and online, Wednesday nights at 7 PM CST - Gil Fronsdal offers meditation and dharmettes daily at 7 AM Pacific, Monday through Friday, and there are many other supportive events with other IMC teachers throughout the week. - Sharon Salzberg’s Real Happiness Challenge runs through the month of February, with daily posts and short meditations, to keep your meditation habit going.
May the goodness we have cultivated this month be for the benefit of all beings.
With good wishes and great appreciation,

Perhaps something is in the air around the five faculties. If you want to hear more, check out Matthew Brensilver’s recent series on AudioDharma (Jan 23-27, 2023), or a recent blog post from Bodhipaksa (Jan 30, 2023). Links below.
Dharmette: Five Spiritual Faculties – Faith (1 of 5)
Dharmette: Five Spiritual Faculties – Energy (2 of 5)
Dharmette: Five Spiritual Faculties – Mindfulness (3 of 5)
Dharmette: Five Spiritual Faculties: Samadhi (4 of 5)
Dharmette: Five Spiritual Faculties – Wisdom (5 of 5)
“The five spiritual faculties: freedom in every moment” by Bodhipaksa