January 3 – Is this action worth contributing my energy towards?

By | January 3, 2025

Dear Friends,

Joseph Goldstein suggests reflecting on the preciousness of this human birth as a way to support the first effort of preventing unwholesome states from arising. He reminds us:
“It’s precious because now we have the opportunity to weaken and eventually uproot these latent defilements that have been with us throughout our lives.” (page 392)

Ajahn Sucitto offers a complementary perspective:

Consider that energy is the fuel for any kind of effort; even thinking uses up energy. It is also a resource that progressively dwindles with age. Consider frequently then: is this action, or speech or way of thinking worth contributing my energy towards? The last thing at night, consider that one’s time of dying approaches and can occur at any time; in the light of this, review what one’s energy is committed to. Does that aim gladden and calm the heart? If so, dwell in that reflection for a while. If not — note that and look again tomorrow at where and how you are going through life.

Parami: Ways to Cross Life’s Floods, page 109

You might choose to engage with this reflection throughout your day. Take a moment to pause and consider: How are you spending your energy? Are your actions aligned with your intentions and values? Engaging with these reflections can open the door to greater clarity and peace in our practice.

I would love to hear how this resonates with you. Feel free to share any thoughts or insights in the comments below or by email.

With good wishes,

5 thoughts on “January 3 – Is this action worth contributing my energy towards?

  1. Lindsay J Adams

    What a simple yet profound message. How am I spending my energy? Is this action or pattern of thought aligned with my intentions? Thank you for this valuable reminder at a time when I’m struggling with a lot of worry and anxious thoughts.

    1. Andrea Grzesina Post author

      Hi Lindsay. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate that you’re bringing awareness to these patterns, even during challenging times. May this reflection support you in finding more ease and alignment in your practice.

  2. Rod Orr

    Much thanks Andrea for this. I appreciate that you’re sharing contemporary teachings that are readily understandable and can be practiced with ease.

    May you be well

  3. Cheryl Kosowan

    Yes, I agree with the previous comments… powerful and timely teachings that make so much sense and lead me to ask the following question, “How do I want to live my life?” Now comes the hard part… putting it into practice!

    1. Andrea Grzesina Post author

      Thanks Cheryl. Wishing you clarity and strength as you bring these teachings into action.

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