January 29 – Resting in presence: a guided meditation on non-distraction

By | January 29, 2025

Dear Friends,

Today, I offer Mark Nunberg’s meditation “Spiritual Urgency,” in which he invites us to rest deeply in the present moment by cultivating non-distraction and openness.

In this meditation, Mark guides us to relax and open, by assuming a posture that balances courageousness with softness, letting go of defensiveness and opening to whatever arises. Then we are invited to rest in non-distraction through gently sustaining awareness of the present moment, recognizing bodily sensations, thoughts, and emotions as they are, without clinging or aversion. When we find that we get attached to the content of our thoughts, Mark encourages us to release the need to control, analyze, or fabricate meaning, allowing a sense of ease and freedom to emerge naturally.

This practice aligns with the themes we have explored, reminding us of the simple yet profound power of being present. It encourages a light, skillful effort–“not too much, not too little”–to stay connected with the flow of life as it unfolds.

You can listen to the meditation here (32 minutes):

As you practice today, you can reflect if resting in non-distraction affects your experience of the present moment. Does something shift when you release the need to control your experience?

Let me know how this resonates with you.

With good wishes,

One thought on “January 29 – Resting in presence: a guided meditation on non-distraction

  1. Amy

    Really appreciated the guided meditation from Mark Nunberg ~ thank you

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