January 23 – Nurture what is good

By | January 23, 2025

Dear Friends,

As we continue reflecting on the Four Wise Efforts, we arrive at the fourth: sustaining and strengthening wholesome states that have already arisen. Joseph Goldstein refers to this as nurturing the “beautiful mental factors” and reminds us how often we overlook these qualities, and end up focusing instead on our shortcomings.

In the book Mindfulness, Joseph shares a story from his early days in India. One evening, a fellow practitioner surprised their group by writing a song highlighting each person’s good qualities. The evening was filled with metta (loving-kindness), and the practice of recognizing and celebrating wholesome states left a lasting impression.

Recollecting wholesome states–such as mindfulness, kindness, joy, or compassion–helps us strengthen and sustain them. When we recognize these qualities within ourselves, we build confidence and inspire further Right Effort, aligning ourselves with what Joseph calls the “glide path of awakening.”*

  • What wholesome qualities have arisen in your practice recently?
  • How might you nurture and sustain them in your daily life?

May this reflection inspire confidence and joy as you continue to cultivate the beautiful qualities within. I would love to hear how this resonates.

With good wishes,

* I had to look up “glide path” – Merriam Webster says it is “a course of action that leads easily to an expected outcome.”

2 thoughts on “January 23 – Nurture what is good

  1. Rod Orr

    This ties in so nicely, Andrea, with Jeanne’s teaching last night about right / wise action. It’s what I need to work through things — like torpor that’s there too often.

    Much thanks!

    1. Andrea Grzesina Post author

      Hi Rod, I found Jeanne’s teachings last night to be very supportive of today’s message as well! I am grateful for her insights and for your reflection on how this connects to your practice.

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