Dear Friends,
Thank you for choosing to be part of this January email offering. This is the eighth year I have been doing this, and I continue to be inspired by the teachings, and by knowing you are here with me on this journey.
I’m looking forward to exploring the five spiritual faculties with you this month.
We’ll start off tomorrow with a bit of an overview of the topic, and then for each faculty we will spend a few days getting familiar with how to apply the faculty to our meditation practice and to our life.
All the emails will be archived to this blog I’ve used for this project:
Comments are open on the newer posts, and you are invited to share your thoughts and feedback on the posts, or reply by email. I do my best to respond to you.
I haven’t had yet a lot of responses about doing some online meditation sessions… so if you haven’t already, please indicate your interest using the form here, or send me an email with days/times that might work for you:
Based on the responses, I’ll post a schedule by mid next-week.
I have a new dog in my life, so I trust you’ll understand that she will want me to keep these emails short so that we can play and train and cuddle, and not sit in front of the computer all day and night! I think that will make these emails and practices easier to fit into your day too.

Stay tuned for the first email/post tomorrow!
With warmest wishes,
Andrea Grzesina
Thank you Andrea for your gift of this beautiful offering again this year. And a big Hello to Pixie who is very adorable!
Thank you for joining us this year, Yarnel!
Pixie wags her tail to say “hi” back!