Coming soon for January 2017!

By | December 21, 2016

Dear Friends,

For many of us, the new year is a time of new beginnings, of a fresh start. It’s a time we can remember what matters to us and set our aspiration for the year ahead.

Many of us would like to develop a daily meditation practice. To support us in this endeavor, I will be facilitating a daily meditation email/blog.

The group will be structured such that each morning an email will be sent out to subscribers with a bit of inspiration, in the form of a quote, or a link to a guided meditation or a dharma talk, or some other resource.

This is the second year we are trying this experiment! The messages from last year are on this site, and I’ll add posts as we go.

The theme for this year will be “Daily Life Practice”.

If you are interested in participating, you can sign up here:

If you would like further information, please email Andrea G at or

With every good wish,
Andrea G