Category Archives: Jan 2024

January 25 – Meditation: Supports for Establishing Mindfulness

Dear Friends, This guided meditation from Andrea Fella brings in a phrase from the Satipatthana Sutta: “Mindfulness that ‘there is a body’ is established in one to the extent necessary for bare knowledge and continuous mindfulness.” (MN 10) Guided Meditation: Supports for Establishing Mindfulness, by Andrea Fella (19 minutes – no ending bell): With good wishes,Andrea

January 23 – Ardent, clearly comprehending, and mindful

Dear Friends, The seventh factor is right (or wise) mindfulness. Mindfulness is a buzzword nowadays. If you use your favorite internet search engine for “mindful ___”, where you fill the blank with practically any subject, you’ll probably find an array of articles related to it. But what is right mindfulness? In one of the discourses, Sariputta describes it… Read More »

January 22 – Paying attention to joy

Dear Friends, With wise effort, we want to abandon unhelpful states and cultivate helpful ones. There are many ways to cultivate these beneficial states, including the Brahma Vihara practices of metta (kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (appreciative joy), and upekkha (equanimity). Today, we’ll focus on mudita! Mudita is the capacity to feel happiness or gladness, to delight in someone’s… Read More »