Category Archives: Jan 2022

January 16 – Take a pause and breathe

Dear Friends, We’re midway through the month, and we have covered a lot of ground. We have reviewed: intention mindfulness (sati) and concentration (samadhi) meditation anchors (body, breath, sound) the balance wisdom and compassion the feeling tone (vedana) of experience – pleasant, unpleasant, neutral the hindrances – experiences that can be obstacles in meditation – and BELLA to… Read More »

January 15 – Compassion cascading like a waterfall

Dear Friends, Today, a brief summary from Jill on Working with Compassion, and a guided compassion practice. In the first talk on the The Brahma Viharas for Insight and Wisdom, Jill shared a set of reflections from Caroline Jones and Paul Burrows, that outlined the interrelationship between the four heart qualities of loving kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and… Read More »

January 9 – The mind becomes beautiful

Dear Friends, In the latter part of DaRa’s talk on The Five Hindrances, she describes 5 aspects of practicing with them, based on an acronym coined by Gill Fronsdal. B.E.L.L.A. Gil describes these steps more fully in this post: Gil says, BELLA [is] the Italian word for “beautiful.” When the hindrances are overcome and mindfulness is strong, the… Read More »