January 16 – Embodying beautiful qualities of heart no matter what situation we’re in

Dear Friends, The fifth factor of the eightfold path is usually translated as right (or wise) livelihood. This can look at not only how we earn a living, but also how we support ourselves in the world, how we conduct ourselves, and how we use resources. This can also include our family responsibilities of raising children or taking… Read More »

January 10 – Could I speak to myself like a friend?

Dear Friends, Oren Jay Sofer has previously offered a summer class on Wise Speech, which blends mindfulness and nonviolent communication. In this summer’s class, the first week’s practice suggestions included this reflection: Be mindful of your inner narrative. Are you aware of thinking? How do you speak to yourself? Is it truthful, kind, helpful, and appropriate? I think… Read More »

January 9 – Why am I talking?

Dear Friends, With right view, we understand that actions have consequences, and that suffering is caused by the way we cling. Right intention helps aim towards cultivating less suffering by renouncing grasping, and cultivating goodwill and compassion. So with our hearts and minds thus aligned, we can now take this intention into the world. So enters the next… Read More »