January 30 – Reconnect with intention

By | January 30, 2017

Dear Friends,

I’m on retreat right now, so here’s a post to keep you inspired while I’m not engaging with email and the internet. I won’t be able to respond to your emails or posts until Tuesday afternoon. Feel free to share your thoughts below to inspire the others reading these posts.

Well, here we are, almost at the end of January. That went fast! 🙂

We started the month connecting with our deepest values and using that to set an intention that’s aligned with our values. That intention can then become a source of motivation, energy, and resilience to keep going when daily life stuff gets in the way.

We can set intentions at the beginning of a meditation period, at the beginning of a day, at the beginning of the month.

Regardless of the time period, it’s a good idea to revisit your intention along the way to see what’s working well and what you might want to tweak. And, as Thupten Jinpa suggested, to find something that you feel good about and take joy in that.

Perhaps that can be your practice today. Think back to the intention you set at the beginning of this month. Think about what skillful qualities you have developed through your practice. Think about the new wisdom you have gained by learning more about how your mind works and responds to different stimuli. Take joy in the good efforts you have made. Then reconnect with your intention to find renewed energy and confidence in continuing this practice.

With best wishes,