December 31 – Welcome!

By | December 31, 2017

Dear Friends,

We are about to start another month-long exploration of ways to support a daily meditation practice. I’m so honored to have you as part of this community.

The theme we will be exploring this month is the four ways of establishing mindfulness – mindfulness of the body, of feelings, of the mind, and of phenomena themselves. I will be basing my outline for the month on the book The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana, but I’ll provide links to other talks and practices, so there’s no need to read along, unless you’re so inspired.

In addition, I plan to have some weekly structure, so that we can investigate different aspects of mindfulness:

  • Mondays will focus on setting or resolving on an intention for the week
  • Tuesdays will look at bringing mindfulness to work – whatever “work” might look like for you in your current stage of life
  • Thursdays will turn towards self-care
  • Saturdays will bring mindfulness to relationships
  • Sundays will bring in the heart qualities of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and balance

All the emails will be archived to this blog I’ve set up for this project:
I have comments open for the newer posts, and I invite you to share your thoughts and feedback with the rest of us there, as I’ve found having a supportive community is such a beautiful way to stay inspired to practice. I also welcome any comments and reflections that you’d rather share with me personally by email.

I’m grateful for the guidance and support from Jeanne Corrigal, the Community Dharma Leader for the I also wish to acknowledge the inspiration and guidance I’ve received from other teachers and leaders on this path, including Susie Harrington, Jill Shepherd, Sebene Selassie, Doris Larson, and Jennifer Keane. (Any errors or misunderstandings are my own.)

So stay tuned for the first email tomorrow!

With warmest wishes,
Andrea Grzesina or

One thought on “December 31 – Welcome!

  1. Lynn Gow

    Thank-You, Andrea, for doing this!!! Perfect timing for me. ?

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