Dear Friends,
This past May, I had an opportunity to sit with Susie Harrington and Anne Cushman at the Lost Coast Retreat. As we neared the end of the retreat, Anne shared her tips on “How To Maintain A Daily Practice of Almost Anything“. The first step is “Set Your Intention.”
Many of you are familiar with Jeanne’s analogy: she likens intention to geese flying south for the winter.
Jeanne reminds us the geese are often off-course, having been buffeted by various weather systems along the way. Yet, through their innate intention, the geese are able make the necessary corrections to ultimately arrive at their destination.
I invite you to consider what your intention is as we embark on this month-long journey together. What will help you make the necessary corrections as you get buffeted by the inevitable weather systems?
Anne Cushman suggests, “Get very clear about what you want to commit to–and even more important, why. … And then write it down as specifically as possible–the more specific you are, the more likely you are to do it.”
I found the following guided meditation from Tara Brach (about 23 minutes) was a useful way to connect with intention:
Thank you for joining me on this month-long endeavor. I welcome your feedback and suggestions at any time.
With best wishes,
Andrea G